This is a DIY show that will empower you, the maker, to do that project that you've been talking about, or to fix that broken thing-a-ma-jig but you weren't sure how to. Instead of going out to it, how 'bout LET''S JUST MAKE THAT! The "how to show" that instructs you step-by-step on how to build, fix, and fabricate projects that range from SUPER EASY to LET'S SOURCE IT LOCALLY because it's out of my skill range. But above all, all projects are easy enough that my mom can make it. Let's get started!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Episode 003. 8 track Key Holder

For ep. 3, we made a key holder using an old (but still working) 8 track.  I must say that this is by far the easiest & shortest project that we've done to date, being that it is a level 1 Wrench & the full episode is only 8 minutes short.

Now for the Quick Project Rundown (QPR).

  • PROJECT: Key Holder
  • STEPS: 4
  • DIFFICULTLY LEVEL: Level 1 Wrench 
  • MATERIALS: (1) 8 track, (3) tea cup hooks, (1) picture hanger, (1) screw
  • TOOLS: Drill, tape measure, hot glue, pencil
STEP 1: GET MATERIALS.  Pick out an 8 track that has an amazing artist on the cover.  Who do you want greeting you as you walk in the door.  Your other materials are listed above in the QPR.
STEP 2: MEASURE & DRILL HOLES.  With the tape measure, measure across the bottom width of the 8 track.  Ours is      3 3/4" wide.  Find the center & make a mark. This will be at 1 7/8"  That's for the center hook.  Then, measure 1/2" from the outside of each edge and make your marks.  That's for the other 2 hooks.  And lastly, with a small drill bit, drill a hole on each mark.  You don't need to go all the way through the tape, just enough to break the surface.
STEP 3: ASSEMBLE.  Screw in the teacup hooks. 
Now, we flip the 8 track over & hot glue our picture hanger  toward the top.  On this particular 8 track, I am placing the hardware over the groove.  FYI- you can screw in the picture hanger hardware if you want, but 1) the hot glue is easier, I think and 2) it gives you the option of reusing the 8 track later if you want (as long as you didn't drill into the magnetic tape from earlier).
STEP 4: HANG.  With your drill, screw you screw into the wall, next to your door, or wherever you want to dangle & display your keys.
And finally,  place your 8 track over the screw & align with your back hardware. Slip the 8 track over said screw & press down to engage. VOILA! MAGNIFICO!  You have your fabulous 8 track key holder. If you find that there is too much play with the cartridge once you hang your keys, simply pull it back off of the wall & tighten the screw so that it is closer to the wall.
This project cost us $4.75 compared to the average $17 ones that I found online.  By making this ourselves, we saved $12.25.  Why buy it? Let's Just Make That!
Look at how sexy these keyholders are.  I guareantee you that none of your friends are greeted daily by such handsome specimens of male pulchritude.

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